Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Blog Reviews

I reviewed 5 blogs that were of interest to me because of what I teach or am interested in.

What I really like about the blog is how well Mrs. Wilson keeps her blog up to date. From viewing her entries, she posts her homework/class activities each day. If there is a video or some other media that goes with that lesson, it is embedded in her blog. I also liked that even though she used a picture as a background image, the text is still very easy to read. Another thing I appreciated was that she had blogging guidelines posted for her students. She makes it very explicit how and what students can post. Mrs. Wilson has a wealth of classroom information available on her blog and makes it very easy to access, whether a student or a parent. I really don’t think that there anything missing/lacking from this blog. The only thing I think I may want to see on her blog would be easier/quicker ways to access older information with either recent posts or tags.

This blog has a very clean design which makes everything very easy to read and find information. I like that she has links to her Archives, Recent Posts, and Tags. All of these features make it very easy to find information quickly without having to scroll through pages of information to find what you are looking for. I like that she has her students use the blog to answer questions. When students have to write for an audience, you get an authentic and thoughtful response. Students are very aware of when their work is public and put forth their best effort because they know they are on display. I felt that posts of updated information were lacking. There are only 10 posts in just under 2 years. I think that posts need to happen more often to keep your audience coming back.

This blog has a wealth of student created content on it. The teacher has really committed to posting regularly with what students are doing in his classes. His design is simple, but I think it works. With the amount of content that he posts of student work and pictures, I think that it would be too busy if there was any other content on the pages. He provides many links to different websites that students can use to create projects. I would like to see him categorize his posts to make them easier to search.

This blog has a very simple design that allows you to focus on the content. There is a lot of information posted to this blog, so simple makes it more manageable to view. For the most past all of this information is organized pretty well and easy to search and access. I think that some of the information on the blog could be reorganized to give it a cleaner look. If it were my blog, I would combine some of the links onto one page. I realize the blogger is trying to make it easy for students to access their pages, but I think I would just make one link for Blogs and one for Commercials and then put each period on those pages.

This blog has a clean design and is very well organized. Even though there are a lot of links to student blogs, it is well organized and does not detract from the design or flow of the blog. Her posts are up-to-date and posted regularly. She posts her assignments on her blog for students to follow. By constantly directing your audience to her blog, it helps to keep her visitors coming back. I think that this blog is well thought out and put together. 

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